Paul Luz of Golan Technologies humbly presents this inquiry into the nature and reformation of the Duros High House, a pan-galactic, autonomous governing body made up of Duros of all varieties dedicated to the provision for all brethren and the preservation and development of Duros culture. Following a history and description, I will theorize on the causes of success, and the implication this has for them and the galaxy. This research was made possible through funding by the Scholar’s Guild, and the cooperation of three founding members, Renek Zarik Roman, Probos Tolando Krieg, and Nootka Mark Antioch. Sadly, all contact with Nootka Antioch has uncharacteristically fallen silent, and I have reason to fear the worst. Therefore, I present this also in his memory.
Respected members of the Guild,
The universe is said to be infinite, but I propose to you today that it is shrinking, and is as small as ever. Hyperdrive engines make it possible to see both ends of pioneered space in a few weeks time, and the growing wealth of wisdom in the holocron has everything available to a more land-bound explorer. You can go into any cantina and see the wonderful diversity of discovered sentient life in its entirety. This said, I submit this research to you today so that the rich culture of the species and homeworlds would not be lost to the vastness of space and the enthusiasm of exploration. As we intermingle and assimilate, original culture is lost to a new synthesis. While this is a marvel of civilization and coexistence, I want to preserve as much as I can find for the amazement of future generations at their rich and colorful heritage.
A species would be hard pressed to do more for civilization than the Duros have, and a species would be hard pressed to suffer more than our blue brothers and sisters. My studies, however, begin at a point midway through their struggles to exist, at a rare bright spot in their history. About 25 BBY the legendary monarchy of Queen Rana Mas Trehalt fell to the criminal vices that plague a civilization built on corporations, yet these same businessmen and women rescued their people, and established a system of ruling companies, with a Chief Financial Officer as the lead executive. Its legislature and driving body, however, was the Duros High House. The High House improved the quality of life of the Duros people, both in the space colonies, and those left living on the ravaged planet in miraculous ways, and lead the species into a golden age as a founding member of the Galactic Republic. This House was laid to ruin in the famed Mandalorian Wars, and any attempt at unity was crushed as the newly formed Galactic Empire rolled through once again, sacked the planet of resources, and oppressed the people politically.
Though Duros are famed for being travelers by choice, there are great problems of a forced diaspora for a culture that never had never known a great unifying societal center. Spacefaring people build hyperdrives, not great temples, not cities that testify to the centuries. They had nothing to rally under. They had always seen the stars as their destiny, but now they had no choice. The Travelers-by-choice had become exiles-be-force. While they never resided for long on their homeworld or the surrounding shipyards, the trials faced were ones that greatly affected their lifestyle all the same. They were now isolated with no sense of community aside from the occasional table at a grimy cantina. There networks were slashed: they struggled to stay in contact to find jobs, support, establish shipping lanes, do business, and care for loved ones among the stars and under the dark rule of the Empire. The culture that had discovered the hyperspace routes, the foundation of Galactic civilization, was being strangled, as lonely and distant as the very stars they travel amongst.
And then something amazing happened. In the year 13 of the Common Galactic Era, word spread through the spaceports that excited out blue brothers, a common unifying cry was heard throughout the black reaches of space: the Duros High House was being reformed. Several notable businessman came together each concerned about the fate of their species. While they each talked to each other separately, unaware of the others, they were eventually connected. The need of a unified group was recognized, and like any good Duros businessmen, an organization was soon formed. The founding members were Zarik Roman, Cadeus Iram, Tolando Kreig, Mark Antioch, and Andrava Mangus. They soon realized that in such a large galaxy uniting a numerous but sparse race would be difficult, and a great beacon was needed to lead them all back together and galvanize their unity. For this reason it was decided early that the ancient light of hope, the Duros High House, would be resurrected in place of starting a new enterprise. While the original structure was lost to time and war, it was decided that each founding member should be given a role on the council in relation to their strengths. In addition to the services rendered on behalf of the members, each Council Member was responsible for managing a section of the community assets, ensuring a system of oversight and to discourage a hijacking of the House.The High Council structure at the time of research is as follows:
Renek: Zarik Roman
The office of the Renek is the High King of the Council, and translator tells me it comes directly from the Duro’s tongue. It is an archaic word meaning “male ruler” or more simply “king”. This office heads the Council and keeps it in order. The Council is democratic in nature, relying on a majority vote for all motions. In addition to its more parliamentary roles, the Renek also oversees the credits and space stations of the House.
Nootka: Mark Antioch
“Nootka” means “commander” or “supervisor”, and the Nootka serves as the second to the Renek and can operate in the authority of the Renek should the King be absent or otherwise incapacitated. It oversees cities and facilities of the House.
Oulat: Andrava Mangus
The Oulat oversees the vehicles, workers, and creatures of the House, and means “administrator”. Its main role seems to be as an advisor to the offices of the Nootka and Renek. I assume this officer would have to be well-traveled and well-versed in the ways and politics of the Galaxy.
DeBrek: Tallon Rein
In Duroese, it means “starship crafter” a term of high esteem in Duro Culture. Oddly enough, the “starship crafter” manages the trophies and raw materials held in common, instead of the ships. The DeBrek is responsible for also overseeing production in House-owned factories, and thus works very closely with both the Nootka who manages the factories and the Bodge, who manages the assets once produced.
Bodge: Rashid Sinan
The Bodge, or “merchant, trader”, seems to have been originally steward of all assets, but the role has evlved to only manage the items, weapons, and armor post-production, and this works closely with the DeBrek.
Probos: Tolando Krieg
In charge off all raffles, contests, and managing incoming donations, the Probos serves as the public relations officer, and serves as chief diplomat, under authority of the Renek. The titles means “Inspiring”.
Mulk: Cadeus Iram
Meaning something akin to “politician” or “spokesperson”, the Mulk oversees the common-owned ships. The Mulk is a position reserved for a very dedicated Duros who has made the well-being of the species its number one concern. It has no specific role in the Council, but on the merit of its skill and dedication, serves as another voice and vote in Council matters.
As mentioned above, the decisions were all made democratically by the Council, and besides oversight of assets, the officers have no special rights or privileges. Should their work be found in violation of law or not up to the highest standard, they could be removed by a vote. At the time of research, this has only been necessary once, on count of behavior which did not reflect the character of the House. The official record and details, however, are filled in the High House’s archives, to which I was unable to access.
The council did not form without infighting, as one would expect from a group comprised of Duros brought together from all sorts of political and corporate allegiances, vocations, and backgrounds, but that was the point of the High House. It was to be a place where rival groups could meet and come together as one kind, where support could be offered and received and a mutual culture could be preserved, remembered, and developed. To combat any further infighting that may result from a member’s conduct in the House or in the galaxy in general, a “Code of Lod and Bringe” was passed by the council that established proper behavior and morality and ensured that the reputation of the species would continue to be positive to the rest of the galaxy. The rough translation of “Lod and Bringe” is “wise and honest”, showing its intentions not to discipline, but guide the development of a pan-galactic culture. In the code was included laws that pertain to treatment of outsiders, should they be found guilty of an offense, but its main focus seems to be moderation of inter-Duro relations.
With a High Council and a code of Law, the House began to be able to start up its infrastructure and support that it had intended. They began to advertise jobs and positions available in Duro-owned or sympathetic factions. They also began to offer better deals on good and services to members, and a BFF-1 raffled off to raise capital to fund these programs. The Council saw a permanent location to centralize operations, aid in the rescue of refugees, and to see the construction of a Duros Academy where new members could learn to fly, learn a trade, learn to race, discover their heritage, and start to make a name for themselves in the Galaxy. With CorSec denying them access to their ancestral home, several options were looked at. No planet, however seemed ideal, as a safe secrecy, distance to supporting factions, and ensuring of safety from neighboring governments were key. I have been told the Council decided on a deep space colony, but my sources were understandably unwilling to speak any further on the matter.
Built on the backs of respected, successful merchants and traders, supported by a variety of factions in all industries, a growing membership, and a Council that was able to peacefully solve internal conflict and process change, the Duros High House seems poised to further their mission of providing safety and support to Duros of all walks of life, further the causes of Duros rights on their home planet, and the preservation and development of a Duros culture that flourished on being networked among the stars.
But what does this all mean for the Duros, and for the rest of the Galaxy? The DHH has done a good job of being successful and keeping out of the public eye, which leads me to draw a simple and profound conclusion: it CAN be done. If a culture without a homeland that loved being separate among the stars can come back, rebuild a government, and establish an impressing infrastructure while staying politically neutral despite a diverse membership, I feel that any race could. Beyond that, I believe that every race should. Many of our cultures are disappearing, and even if this is a natural by-product of us living in relative peace together amongst the stars, the cultures should be preserved. This was made possible by a group of very able sentients who saw a need, and came together to solve it despite differences of political affiliation and religion. I, for one, have come admire this model, and to deeply admire the Duros people, their culture, and their restored High House. I pray I am correct in declaring that this is the beginning of a new golden era for your People!
Bibliography: - I was allowed limited access to the Duros Holonet site to examine their laws and structure, and a bit of their history. - I also made great use of the Holocron’s entry on the Duros species, studying this mainly on my way over to the place where I would meet with several key members.
Interviews with the Renek, Nootka, and Probos. They were all very helpful in helping me understand a Duros perspective on their history and culture.
IRC channel: #duros