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 The Galactic Folk Songs of Paldamar Riencam

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Rennek Cor
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Rennek Cor

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The Galactic Folk Songs of Paldamar Riencam Empty
PostSubject: The Galactic Folk Songs of Paldamar Riencam   The Galactic Folk Songs of Paldamar Riencam I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2013 12:13 am

The Galactic Folk Songs of Paldamar Riencam Johnny+Cash

Paldamar Riencam is an Alderanian writer and musician, famous for his folk songs and short musical pieces which are still remembered and played to this day. Below is a collection of some of his better known songs.

The Corellian Rum Song

Ive seen the trees of Endor from a bike designed for speed,
The buildings rise on Coruscant and Hoth in low degrees,
I seen the swamps of Dagobah and nearly bloody drowned,
But nothing beats the taste of Corellian Rum thats being downed!

Oh! Keep your whiskey, keep your ales and keep your sipping tea,
Cause nothing less that Corellian Rum is good enough for me!

I've taken trips to Outer Rims, and done some things obscene,
I raced against the Dugs and larked with Hutts on Tatooine,
Ive even seen Naboo, although I've never met the Queen,
Cause I missed the taste of decent Rum in all the holes I've been!

Oh! Keep your whiskey, keep your ales and keep your sipping tea,
Cause nothing less that Corellian Rum is good enough for me!

Oh! Keep your whiskey, keep your ales and keep your sipping tea,
Cause nothing less that Corellian Rum is good enough for me!

A Heart's Question

If I wrote the words I needed,
Would you read it?
If the song was sung, and your heart was won,
Could you leave the world you loved behind you?

Every hope of mine you've been in,
Am I dreaming?
Your my deity, were you made for me?
Could you see me laying there beside you?

I see, you and me,
A home, a ring, and a family,
I know that this is sudden, and you need time to think,
But my love, in the meantime....

What do you want to drink?

The Innocent's Bounty

It wasn't my fault, the lock and bolt was already hanging loosely,
And those jewels you lost, although their cost, just really wouldn't suit me,
You're chasing the wrong man,
I'm a lover, not a thief,
And also mate, those silver plates, i took were worn beneath,

And now I hold a bounty,
Nothing to do but run,
With hyperspace all around me,
I better invest in a gun

I was hired to make, a stop and take, some Ryll across the stars,
Imperial goods from gangsters and hoods, to customers afar,
It wasn't my decision,
They black mailed me to do it,
Unless Stormtrooper, there's something that suits ya, as you're looking through it,

And now I hold a bounty,
Though a victim of circumstance,
With blasters all around me,
I haven't got a chance,

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