Below are listed rules of the guild, they are to be adhered to at all times, if there are any questions or problems, please DM Rennek Cor with them, or post a topic.
- Firat and foremost, discussions here are IC, references to OOC should be kept to a minimun.
- Respect. It is the foundation of civilized discussion and culture. I do not ask that you respect the person, or their point of view, but you will respect their right to voice an opinion.
- Constructive responses only in discussions please.
- Politeness. We are Ladies and Gentlemen of academia, so please conduct yourself as such.
- Should you wish to voice a gripe or issue, please do so to Rennek Cor only and he shall deal with the issue. Do not scream and shout like a petulant child, it will be ignored if this is the case.
- Stay on topic in discussions please. The Guild staff do realise that healthy discussion does spawn other conversations but should this happen, please post another topic to discuss it. This is as much for continuity as it is for ease of access to specific areas of interest for our scholars.
- The Scholars Guild is a place of academic discussion. If you wish to discuss anything outside of academia, please do so offsite, or in the IRC page. #scholarsguild
Academic Funding
- Should you wish to apply for academic funding for a project, please do so in the manner required, as shown in the sticky thread on that page.
- Should you wish do undertake a project as a group, then the place to hold discussions on these projects is in the appropriate Guild Room. Label the thread as such.
- Those not involved in specific projects are to please stay away from discussion threads unless invited to do so.
Library Submissions
- Should you wish to have any work included in the Guild Library, please use the submissions forum. The submissions will be reviewed and a decision made promptly on each.