Non-Enforcement of the Force Act: The Finality of Order 66
Written by: Fukara Mist
The Force Act, officially classified as Act No.138, was written into Galactic law in Year -2. Since its inception, the Force Act has not been effectively enforced by the prosecutorial authority of the Galactic Empire and has made no significant impact on the spread of Jedi philosophy or diminished the prevalence of Force-related Organizations. Considering the overwhelming military prowess of the Imperial Army and the legendary abilities of the Sith; it is highly probable that the Act has been deliberately ignored to evoke a false sense of security in the Jedi, allowing them to gather unaware until the Empire chooses to finalize Order 66.
The purpose of the legislation was to provide a legal framework for both force-sensitive beings and force-relics. Ultimately, it recognizes the Order of the Sith as being responsible for enforcing the Act, the preservation of the Sith religion and negating the influence of Jedi philosophy. By doing so, it grants the Dark Lord of the Sith a position in the Imperial Inner Circle as the chief advisor to the throne on force-related matters.
The creation of the Act could be interpreted to be more about the consolidation of power to the emperor and less about the enforcement of the laws held within the document. It was only recently that the Empire began efforts to decentralize decision making after the overthrow of Vodo Bonias by Emperor Cherokee. A period know as “The Return of the New Order” began with the ascension of Emperor Cherokee who made efforts to reduce corruption and re-establish strength throughout the galaxy after the unpopular second rein of Vodo Bonias. Despite new efforts to protect and preserve the Empire, the lack of commitment towards enforcing the Act would continue to the present under the rule of Guinar Ndengin.
Considering the heavy influence asserted by the Sith Order on the galactic government, the lack of resources dedicated to the enforcement of the Act appears to be intended, as the Sith are known to be meticulous in their planning, if anything. By ignoring the Force Act, the Sith Council conjures a sense of security among force-users outside the government allowing easier surveillance of those who would defy the law and the opportunity for Imperial Intelligence to monitor suspects until they are deemed a substantial threat to the Empire. The Order of the Sith does not place an abundance of confidence in the Jedi Order or non-aligned force-user’s abilities to undermine the power of the Sith or the Galactic Empire, going so far as to allow the existence and training of Jedi to go on with little interference.
It was no secret that many Jedi and force-users escaped persecution from Emperor Drayson and the new Galactic Empire in year -22. Surely, as the media blamed the Jedi Order for masterminding the entire conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Jedi at large would have been perceived as an existential threat to the newly formed Galactic Empire. Yet despite this, the Force Act was not written into law until Year -2, twenty years after the conclusion of the Galactic War and coincidentally during a period known to the Empire as “The Dark Years” when the first rumors were trickling in from the Outer Rim about a new organization of defectors, freedom fighters and force-users called the Rebel Alliance and at a time when the Empire was rampant with examples of internal corruption and treason which saw the rule of three different emperors in the span of less than two years. In addition to the late response, the contents of the act may not have been provided to the public until Year 13 Day 260 when it was made available through the Imperial News Grid.
Historical documents indicate the first emperor, Drayson sought to eradicate the Jedi Order and establish a strong military during the early days of the new empire. This worked to the advantage of the Sith by eliminating any interference in their attempts to gain ultimate power by orchestrating the downfall of Drayson and his replacement Suntzu and allowing Dark Lord Vodo Bonias to finally reveal the new coming of the Sith and secure the throne. Whether certain provisions in the act were enforced more consistently prior to their official commencement is unknown but if the rise of the Rebel Alliance was any substantiation, the Sith Order under Vodo Bonias did not place as much urgency in destroying the remnants of the Jedi and snuffing out the early warnings of a full scale rebellion as he did in expansionism.
History has taught us that the Sith are highly intelligent and are capable of remarkable acts of guile, taking decades or even centuries in some cases to come to fruition. Allowing the light side of the force and the Jedi to establish a foothold once again, if only for a short time, could give them an opportunity that would finally resolve the age old rivalry and completely obliterate the Jedi and their philosophy while destroying any last influence they may have had since their reemergence.
There is little evidence that suggests the Jedi or other force-users have been a significant threat to security over the years. More consistently chronicled are incidents involving pirates or paramilitary organizations such as the recent exploits of Zann Consortium or The Death Watch, for example. Although not particularly damaging and easily managed, the plots from these types of mercenaries have proven to pose a larger threat than the Jedi ever did.
Still, the potential risks of not enforcing or acting on certain provisions in the Force Act could result in a significant threat to the continuity of the empire. Below we will examine a few important provisions in the Act and discuss the possible implications of allowing violations to go unpunished;
2.2 Use or Possession of Force-Imbued Entities
Use or possession of Force-Imbued Entities without authorization from an organization or individual delegated under this Act to grant the authority for such use or possession shall be considered as a violation of this Act.The Act considers Force-Imbued Entities to mean:
“..entities that are imbued through the Force with the ability to effect or facilitate the transfer of energies not accessible to non-Force sensitive individuals without the assistance of technology. Examples of Force-Imbued Entities include, but are not limited to: lightsabers (and their component parts), holocrons, objects affected by Sith alchemy, Force detectors, and Force relics, amulets, or totems.”The perceived indifference to openly traded force-imbued entities, specifically force detectors, encourages interest in the force and eases the establishment of new force organizations by allowing more opportunity for identification and recruitment of force-sensitives. Any given day one can find force detectors for sale through Centrepoint Martketplace. There seems to be little attempt by The Imperial Security Bureau to investigate and prosecute internal cases pertaining to the purchase or sale of force-imbued entities and Imperial Intelligence does not appear to be interested in tracking public sales. If buyers and sellers are being monitored, the imperial trading blacklist is not an indicator as any trader listed who has sold force-imbued entities is only coincidental.
The obvious threat of force-detectors used to identify and recruit new Jedi would be uncharacteristic and very unlikely for the Empire to ignore.
3.1 Limitations on Force-related Religions and Organizations
(a) Only those Force organizations and religions which are authorized under this Act are permitted to operate, register as a religious organization for tax purposes,
proselytize, and teach their religion to members of the galaxy.In the first days of Year 15, reports were flooding back rooms and dark alleyways about Zonama Sekot in the Cor’ric sector. Observations had been made in the city of La’oklo of two ancient-looking temples. Upon closer investigation, It was confirmed that one of the temples was dedicated to the teachings of Jedi philosophy, with several individuals outside the temple providing information to passersby. In addition was a Sith Temple sitting in plain site of the Jedi Temple. If the fact that a Sith Temple and Jedi Temple we sitting parallel to each other without impunity wasn’t alarming enough, the Sith Temple was completely empty and void of Imperial presence. There were images on the temple walls depicting battles featuring Sith Lords of long ago as well as pictographs that told various tales outlining Sith philosophy. The age of the temple or why it was built so far from the ancient Sith center of power in Korriban is unknown.
It was reported that force-imbued relics were strewn about the lower levels of the temple. There for any visitor or fledgling archeologist to examine, dig up and remove from the site. The Jedi temple was occupied and presumably there were force-relics recovered there by the Jedi at some point as well. If artifacts like these fall into the wrong hands, a knowledgeable practitioner of the force could potentially use them against the Empire. What kind of power or ancient knowledge could be extracted from these objects is anyones guess but possibly, something the Sith Council has never experienced before and has no ability to combat. They could be used in the training of Dark Jedi or rogue Sith who could secretly form a rival organization, that if left to flourish, could develop the potential to damage the very foundation that the Empire was built on.
The chance that a force-relic could be uncovered on Zonama Sekot and used to motivate force-users into forming an organization hostile to the Empire does not appear to be a significant enough threat to warrant occupation of the planet or monitoring of the temples.
2.3 Use or possession of Force-Relicts
Use or possession of Force Relics without authorization from an organization or individual delegated under this Act to grant the authority for such use or possession shall be considered as a volition of this Act.With so much at stake on Zonama Sekot, a Sith Temple and a Jedi Temple open to the public, one would think the Sith Council would have sent hordes of Storm Troopers to protect the site and that Imperial Intelligence would be focusing on who has visited the sites and what if anything may have been looted and sold to the black market. A revelation of this magnitude and the potential threat to the Empire would imply supervision by Darth Virsunas himself. The Dark Lord of the Sith could oversee security of the area while investigating the secrets that may be held in the depths of the temple and simultaneously barring entrance to the Jedi Temple and destroying Jedi relics that may encourage the spread of Jedi influence in the area. But no Imperial presence was detected whatsoever. Observed, was a small fleet in the system belonging Black Sun who is a member of the Imperial Union. Famous for having a hand in every type of illicit activity, It would not be a surprise if Black Sun was selling force-imbued artifacts and relics recovered from the site for a hefty profit, perhaps even sanctioned by the Empire. Alternatively, Black Sun and their authorized Force Organization, the Maurari, may have been tasked to investigate the site at the request of the Sith Council. If enforcement of the Act is not obvious, activities may be taking place covertly with no exposure on the Galactic News Service.
Despite the creation of the legislation, the implementation and enforcement of The Force Act has left much to desire. Since it commenced in year -2, the galaxy has seen the rise of several organizations that openly practice or support the use of the force or study Jedi philosophy under the watch of the Sith Council. Below we take a look at some of those groups and when they were created;
The Rebel Alliance Founded: Year -2
Dissolved: Year 8 Day 96
The New RepublicFounded: Year 8 Day 96
Knights of the Old RepublicFounded: Year 14 Day 65
Jedi Corps of EngineersFounded: Year 14 Day 186
Jedi AcademyFounded: Year 15 Day 15
The Jedi Order Founded: Year 8 Day 148
Confederate Jedi OrderFounded Year 15 Day 88
The JensaaraiFounded: Year 9 343
Dissolved: Year 14 224
Church of ReanucruFounded: Year 14 Day 185
Dissolved: Year 15 Day 137
The HarbingersFounded: Year 10 Day 183
Listed here are only a few of the organizations that have appeared despite the creation of the Force Act. There have been countless other groups utilizing the light side, dark side or a combination of the two that have come and gone and are not necessarily worthy of note in this paper. There are also examples of rogue Sith groups that had varying degrees of success but ultimately failed. Whether the result of the enforcement of the Act or by other means remains unclear. In addition, there are numerous examples of smaller groups and individuals who openly practice use of the force without authorization and who are actively seeking apprentices, being so bold as to advertise on public holoforums in full view of the Empire and the Sith Order. For each new sentient that discovers they have the ability to wield the force, a possible existential threat to The Throne is allowed to grow and learn, unchecked by the Sith Council and it’s extended branches which may ultimately culminate in the destruction of the Galactic Empire through the rallying of force-sensitives to the anti-imperial cause. Ultimately, easing the enforcement of the Act and allowing Force-related Organizations to enter the public eye may be exactly what the Sith want.
The consistent lack of attention on exacting the full power of the Force Act has allowed the Jedi to flourish in recent years. They have become confident enough to claim they are a significant fighting force and their swollen ranks now match that of the Sith. In the past, the Sith have shown they can easily destroy the Jedi Order simply by turning a Jedi to the dark side of the force and helping them realize the error in Jedi philosophy. When the Jedi Order was revitalized in Year 8, there was no flashing of military might or extensive operations to root out the new order and extinguish the flame because it would not have been warranted.
The Sith Order is notoriously secretive and so it is difficult to validate what provisions of the Act are or are not enforced by the various branches of the prosecutorial authority. Whether some are ignored out of indifference or if incompetence is to blame for the allowance of so many unauthorized force organizations to thrive is not confirmed. The Sith have proven to be more than formidable adversaries for the Jedi and other force groups and they allow them to exists because the power of the dark side is that much stronger than the light and they do not see Jedi as a considerable threat to the Sith Order or the Empire. Evidence points to a calculated and methodically planned operation intended to gather all the enemies of the Sith in plain sight until the final phase of Order 66 is finalized and the annihilation of the Jedi is complete.